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: TD4895.3

: Social History

: diary

: Diary pages of the Lord Mayor of Bristol (30/09/1940 - 06/10/1940). List of events, times, and instructions to driver.

This object is in store, please contact the Museum to arrange to see the object.

: 30/09/1940 - 06/10/1940

: Burgess, Alderman Albert Whitfield Stone J.P.

: Bristol Mansion House

: Bristol City Council, The Council House

: Victoria Rooms

: Burgess, Lady Mayoress of Bristol Amy Edith

: Bristol Beacon (Colston Hall)

: Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) / England, Northern Europe, Europe

: Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) / England, Northern Europe, Europe

: Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) / England, Northern Europe, Europe

: 30/09/1940 - 06/10/1940

: 03/10/1940