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: Ma4200.replica

: Fine Art

: ephemera

: An Affadavit Certificate, dated April 21st, 1707, Proving that Thomas Mathew was Buried in Wool

: Copy of Ma4200, a printed certificate showing a recently deceased person's preference to be buried with nothing but wool in his coffin, contained within a grangerised version of 'Bristol Past and Present'. 'These are to certifie that the body of Thomas Matthews lately de… interred in the parifle [parish] of…was not put in, wrapt, wound up or in any slurt, shift, sheet or shroud, made or mingled with flax, hemp, silk, hair, gold, silver or other then what is made of sheeps woll only, or in any coffin lined or faced with any cloth stuff or any other thing what so ever made or mingled with flax, hemp, silk, hair, gold or silver or any other material but sheeps wollondy The truth where of attefted by… as well by their hands and seals herunto selt and subferibed as by their refpective oaths taken before me.. one of.... majities Inftices of the peace for the.. a fore faid As witness my hand the 21st day of the April in the 6th year of the reign of the.... over England and c....'.

This object is in store, please contact the Museum to arrange to see the object.

: 10/2015

: [Book] Nicholls, J. F. & Taylor, John. 1881. Bristol: Past and Present, volumes 1-3.