George Müller is credited with the care and education of over 10,000 orphaned children in Victorian Bristol.

Müller and his wife Mary's work with orphans began in 1836 with the accommodation of thirty children in their own home in St Paul's, Bristol. They soon expanded into three more houses on their street, to house 130 children. When the neighbours complained in 1845, Müller decided that a separate building was needed and an orphanage at Ashley Down was opened in 1849. By 1870, 1,722 children were being accommodated in five homes.

Müller never asked anyone for money, instead he prayed to God for help. The generosity from people offering money and free services was astounding.

To find out more about the orphanages, you can visit the George Müller Museum in Bristol. It's based in one of the original Ashley Down Orphan Homes.