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: Ha6292

: World Archaeology - Egyptology

: amulet

: 6 amulets. This is six amulets of pale green, green, matt and shiny, faience, moulded in the form of the standing Ptah-Sokar. His arms bent at the elbow, and he has roughly moulded facial features of a bald headed man, and is a rather stout figure. He stands bow legged. They are all pierced twidthways through the neck. The largest green matt amulet (now drab brown) is missing from the thighs downwards. He has small ears and a small face. The smallest pale green matt amulet stands on a small rectangular base. Its features are crudely moulded, and he has an almost square angular like body, with a flat head. Another small pale green amulet has part of the neck at the back missing, and stands on an almost square base. Its features are almost non-existant. A similar more darker green amulet of this size, is similar in its detail, with a more rectangular base. Another is off pale green, and stands on a rectangular base, with a hole in one ear, and its face is duplicated on the other side. The final pale green shiny amulet has a rectangular base, and an indented navel. There is an od face on the back of its head.

This object is in store, please contact the Museum to arrange to see the object.

: Mapp Collection

: Egypt, North Africa, Africa

: Bequest of Mr. Charles Richard Mapp, 1956.