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: H4477.b(3)

: World Archaeology - Egyptology

: watercolour

: Watercolour copied from the astronomical ceiling of the burial chamber (Baedecker's 'room 10b') of Pharaoh Sety I's tomb, Luxor. It shows a line of figures - with a sun disc each - all behind a crocodile on a hippos back. The figures, from left to right, represent the goddess Isis; followed by the four sons of Horus- Imseti (human headed), Hapy (baboon headed), Duamutef (jackal headed), and Qebehsenuf (falcon headed). Following them are Manitef ('He who looks at his father'), Irendjetef ('Whom his body made'), Irrenefdjesef ('He who made his own name'), and Haqu ('Plunder').

: Belzoni Collection

: Thebes (Luxor), Egypt, North Africa, Africa

: Valley of the Kings, Sety I's Tomb, grave KV17

: Belzoni, Senor Giovanni

: 1817-1820

: Given by Mr. C.E. Wilson, 1900.
