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: Ha6950

: World Archaeology - Egyptology

: amulet

: 5 amulets, all small, made of mint/pale green faience, one now dark brown. They are all moulded in the form of Shu kneeling on one leg with arms bent at the elbows, raised above their heads holding up the sky. They all have small rectangular bases, and three have a pilaster at the back, which are pierced widthways. The other two have small loops at the back of the head which are pierced. All have small beards. The smallest one is pale green mint coloured. Its facial features are absent, replaces with an almost square shape. The object is almost flat. Another figure is more pale turquoise shiny faience, and holds a semi circular object above its head. The base is not quite rectangular, and is narrower at one end. It has an elongated knee, and a pleated skirt. Another is of pale green matt faience. It has a circular object on its head which has a one lined incision in. It has a plaeted skirt, and the top part of the pilaster is missing at the top. Another, pale green, with incised line decoration on the object above its head. The top part is almost flat, the bottom three dimensional. The green faience figure, which is now dark brown, has a more square base, and has more square features than the others. Part of the pilaster is missing at the top. It holds a small thin flat object on its head.

This object is in store, please contact the Museum to arrange to see the object.

: Mapp Collection

: Egypt, North Africa, Africa

: Bequest of Mr. Charles Richard Mapp, 1956.