Dennis Lewis wore his shoes to work sometimes (Tower House, Fairfax Street). He loved his job and liked to express his inner artist through his clothes when he could. Because he was a Studio Director, sometimes he had to look like a business man though. He was one of the few people there who didn't have a beard! Apparently the studio was full of people with fuzzy hair, beards, and flared trousers that were tight at the knee!

Dennis had a very brightly made suit with a garish tie; once his very smartly dressed boss commented that he must get the name of his tailor!

He had a very active social life and went dancing most nights. He moved to Redcliffe Parade for the jazz pubs. He particularly liked the Cheese Pie, the Ostrich, and King Street.

Dennis isn't sure where he bought the shoes- probably down at the Horsefair somewhere. He says that they were lovely shaped shoes, quite comfortable to wear and well made.