Colleen has regularly attended courses since 2001 at Silai for Skills, a women-only sewing and training project in Easton, Bristol. 'The classes were always very friendly and cheerful. We'd all have a chat and a laugh during break but we tended to concentrate on the work at hand during the actual class.'

She was impressed by the safe and welcoming atmosphere and has made lots of new friends and gained valuable skills. 'I can't think of anywhere similar where you might sit down next to maybe a lady from Somalia or Israel and immediately have a shared interest with them.'

The women support anyone finding something difficult to do in the class: 'As long as an individual was willing and confident to help then they would almost certainly do so.'

Colleen believes that Silai has made a big difference in the lives of many of the women who attend, helping them to interact with people from diverse backgrounds and to improve confidence.

"There is one girl who started coming to Silai who really benefited from the experience - not just by gaining new practical knowledge but also to help feel more at ease in social situations. When she first started coming in she would not talk to anyone. She was naturally very shy and withdrawn.' Gradually however she started to open up, 'It was as if the more she came to the classes, the more she relaxed and started asking for help. It was lovely to see the difference Silai has made.'