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: G451

: Applied Art

: jug, cream

: Scroll-moulded jug on scrolled pedestal base, shaped rims; high double-scroll handle. A cartouche on each side painted in onglaze enamels with pink and red flowerheads and green leaves; smaller flowers below lip and at base of handle. Base moulding outlined in purple lake, purple lake flourishes inside lip and on handle.

On Display at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Gallery 1

: City of Bristol Collection

: Alfred Trapnell collection

: Cookworthy, William / Champion, Richard

: Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) / England, Northern Europe, Europe


: 1770-1780

: [Citation] Bristol Porcelain 1770-1970. cat.no 114.

: Given by Alfred Trapnell, 1904.
