
Collection Search enables you to search the museum collections database. The database currently holds records for over 150,000 objects, natural sciences specimens and archaeological excavation archives.

There are three ways to search the online database:

  • Search by keyword - enter a textual or numerical term to search for items across all collections. Search by keyword looks for the term in the following: Museum object number, object/specimen name, archaeological excavation site name, work of art title, artist name, associated places, and associated historical period.
  •  Quick searches - select a collection from the list to view all objects in the database belonging to that collection.
  •  Detailed search - select a collection type. You will then be presented with a list of detailed search options. Enter a term in one or more boxes and select search. Not all objects have images attached to them, so if you want to see only objects that have an image, please tick the box on the search screen.

The results of the searches are displayed as a list. Select a record to see more details.

Please note: Some of the words included in our database might have been transcribed from historic documents, and therefore may now seem outdated or offensive. For accuracy and research purposes, this information has been retained though we would like to apologise if any of this terminology causes offence. Furthermore, please be aware that this database may contain information about objects that local communities might consider sacred, or secret.

Not all objects, natural sciences specimens and archaeological excavation archives are on the database, and some records have more information than others, but new records, updated records and images are being added daily. If you would like more information about any item in the online database, please email general.museum@bristol.gov.uk, quoting the object number.

The information in this database is covered by Bristol City Council website copyright conditions. Additional copyright considerations may apply to individual items in the museum's collection. Please email general.museum@bristol.gov.uk, quoting the object number to enquire about using content for any purpose not permitted by Bristol City Council's website copyright conditions.