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: O.4597

: Numismatics

: banknote

: First Bristol £20 note, with an image of Concorde and SS Great Britain with a profile head infilled with Clifton Suspension Bridge and with rays coming from an open skulll on the obverse and a child's painting of balloons on the reverse. Mainly blue (obverse), multi-coloured (reverse) with silver balloons and £B symbols

On Display at M Shed, Bristol Places Gallery

: Images of SS Great Britain in background, with profile head outlined in white, with line drawing of Clifton Suspension Bridge and rays of 'technology' and 'innovation' coming out of the head, with Concorde flying through the rays, by Kim Short Left side, 20 TWENTY BRISTOL POUNDS, issued by Bristol Pound CIC ...

: Child's painting of child watching balloons in the air by Jemima Blench Left side, 20 TWENTY BRISTOL POUNDS

: Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) / England, Northern Europe, Europe

: Bristol Pound CIC

: 2012

: 09/2012
