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: W382

: Militaria

: firearm

: British breech-loading military carbine using the Jacob Snider hinged breech system of loading. Round steel rifled barrel with blade fore-sight and 2-leaf folding rear-sight. Stamped with Birmingham proof marks. Hinged breech block incorporating sprung firing pin and ejector. The breech block stamped Sniders Patent and arrow mark, together with G. Nattriss, Bristol (unrecorded). Internally stamped N&L 645. Bayonet mounting bar at muzzle. Retained to the stock with 2 barrel bands (forward band with sling swivel). Walnut three-quarter stock stamped GN on the underside of fore-end and with a sling swivel on the underside of the butt. Brass furniture comprising; butt plate, trigger guard and fore-end cap. Iron ramrod. Flat and plain Enfield type percussion lock. Retained to the stock by 2 sidenails.

: Natriss

: Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) / England, Northern Europe, Europe


: Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) / England, Northern Europe, Europe

: c1860
