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: W381

: Militaria

: firearm

: Percussion military carbine, Pattern 1856. Round iron rifled barrel, flattened breech with feint proof marks. Blade fore-sight and standing rear-sight with 2 folding leaves. Retained to the stock with 2 barrel bands. Iron ramrod with large domed head, retained to the barrel with a swivel link. Walnut full stock with brass furniture comprising; butt plate, trigger guard, fore-end cap and 2 ramrod pipes. Left side of stock with a saddle bar and swivel ring. Flat Enfield-type percussion lock with border line engraving and stamped with a Crown. Chained nipple protector. Retained to the stock by 2 sidenails.

: u/k

: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) / England, Northern Europe, Europe


: 1860
