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: W386
: Militaria
: firearm
: Mauser Model 1896 Bolt-action magazine carbine by Ludwig Lowe & Co, Berlin. Round steel barre, rifled, with a raised and protected foresight and calibrated and adjustable back sight. Retained to the stock by 2 steel barrel bands, the rear band with a side-mounted integral sling swivel, the forward band also forming the nose-cap and with integral bayonet lug. Cleaning rod missing. Wooden three-quarter stock with separate hand-guard covering the top forward section of the barrel. The left side of the butt with a sling swivel and a crudely carved initial E. Steel butt plate and loop form trigger guard. Steel receiver with bolt action, the left side marked Mod Mauser 1896 Ludwig Lowe & Co, Berlin, and the serial number 3442.
: 1896