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: E4644

: World Cultures

: Cultivation Object

: Long string with large shells attached. Shells might be a type of Fasciolaria ("tulip shell", sea snail shells found in subtropical and tropical areas). Or another member of the Fasciolariidae. One end tied to a fruit-tree and the other held by old lady giving it an occasional shake-- Mrs Hadfield: "Birds did much damage to banaas, etc. and to frighten them away a string of shells was tied at one end of the tree on which the fruit grew. The other was in charge of a woman who was too old or otherwise unable to work. This old dame sat in the shade and occcasionally gave the string a pull and rattled the shellsand saved the fruit"

This object is in store, please contact the Museum to arrange to see the object.
: New Caledonia, Oceania / Melanesia, Pacific

: Loyalty Islands?

: New Caledonia, Oceania / Melanesia, Pacific

: Loyalty Islands?