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: Ha6187

: World Archaeology - Egyptology

: amulet

: 9 amulets. This is a nine faience amulets (pale green, mid-green, beige), moulded in the form of the standing Ptah-Seker. His arms are bent at the elbow. He has roughly moulded facial features of a bald man, and is a rather stout figurer. He stands bow legged. It is pierced widthways through a strap-like loop at the back of the neck. A beige coloured amulet has a more monkey-like face and stands on an almost circuklar base. He has a duplicated face etc on the reverse side. It is pierced widthways through his head. His eyes are moulded, but one cannot see his mouth. A large mid-green matt amulet has an almost cap liked head, is roughly moulded, standing on a rectangular base. It is pierced widthways through an incised, lined loop at the back of the neck. A smaller pale green amulet stands on a square base, with a large hunchback type loop on the back of its shoulders. One green faience amulet is moulded onto a flat oval bacl, with limited details. and is pierced through its head. A small shiny green amulet has pointed rectangular shape base, with a pilaster, through which it is pierced widthways at the top. It has a black painted cap like feature on the top of its head (?) The smallest shiny green faience amulet has part of the base nmissing, and is pierced widthways through its neck. It has a square base, and glue remains on it. The other three are of similar design, in pale green. They are have square bases and are pierced through the neck widthways. One is a more lime/pale green colour. Of the other two one has more pointed face.

: Mapp Collection

: Egypt, North Africa, Africa

: Bequest of Mr. Charles Richard Mapp, 1956.
