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: H2085
: World Archaeology - Egyptology
: amulet
: 15 amulets (or parts of amulets) made from beige and brown-black stone. Two scarabs (one beige and one brown-black) with incised wing cases and legs and a plain base. Two ab (heart amulets, one beige and one brown-black); heart shapes with lugs and a rectangle with notched top at the top (incised with a plain base). Two parts of wadjets (eye of Horus), one beige and one brown-black. One round (beige) sun disc. One beige semi-circle, incised on one side. Two unspecified pieces of beige, and two unidentified. 3 pieces of unidentified black amulets.
: south tell, north end
: 332-30 BC (?)
: Ptolemaic Period