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: H1360

: World Archaeology - Egyptology

: comb

: Two (2) parts of combs. One is giraffe-shaped and has small drill holes to indicate spots (on both sides) however only the body, neck, head and part of the rear leg remain. The head and some of the body have large chips. The other comb is deer-shaped and has a drill hole for the eye. Most of the front leg is missing and the rear leg is attached to a wavy base. Part of the head has broken off.

On Display at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Egypt Gallery

: Ab'adiya (Hut-Sekhem, Diospolis Parva), Egypt, North Africa, Africa

: grave B122

: 5500 - 3100 BC

: Pre-dynastic Period

: [Citation] Diospolis Parva, the cemeteries of Abadiyeh and Hu. pl. VI B122.