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: H3625
: World Archaeology - Egyptology
: papyrus
: Chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead Ten (10) fragments of papyrus, mounted together: 1. 53mm*30mm, mainly black hierogylphs, some red 2. 75mm*79mm, black hierogylphs in columns, red and yellow border 3. 70mm*56mm, hieroglyphs in red and black in columns, red and yellow border 4. 70mm*44mm, yellow canopy with hanging objects 5. 63mm*60mm, hierogylphs in red and black 6. 68mm*49mm, corner piece showing part of the white crown of Upper Egypt 7. 56mm*43mm, hierogylphs in black Plus three smaller fragments with hierogylphs
On Display at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Egypt Gallery
: 1550 - 1295 BC
: New Kingdom