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: H2714

: World Archaeology - Egyptology

: stela

: Painted limestone stela, rectangular in shape with a curved top. It is painted in red and black. The top section shows a winged sun disc above two jackals and some worn symbols. The next register shows the deceased before an offering table, facing the bird-headed god Re-harakhty holding a was sceptre. Below this are two rows of hieroglyphs. Some of the decoration has worn away completely. Translation: A royal offering to Osiris, Chief of the West, the Great God, Lord of Abydos … that he may give invocation offerings, bread, beer, oxen, fowl, to Nebinefer, justified.

On Display at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Egypt Gallery

: Abydos, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

: Nebinefer

: 332 BC - AD 395

: Ptolemaic Period - Roman Period