81 to 120 of 2149
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2009/83), 16 Redcross Street, St Philips adjoining 32 Old Ma
Documentary archaeological archive from a Standing Building Survey at 16 Redcross Street, St Philips adjoining 32 Old Market Street. The Standing Building Survey was carried out by XXX (name of field unit).ST 59660 73200
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2009/86), Westmoreland House, 106 Stokes Croft, St. Paul's
Documentary and material archaeological archive from evaluation at Westmoreland House, 106 Stokes Croft, St. Paul's. ST 59172 74065
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2009/88), Inns Court Vicarage
Documentary and material archaeological archive from a excavation at Inns Court Vicarage, Bristol. .
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2009/9), Site of The Rose, Stiles Acres, Lawrence Weston
Documentary archaeological archive from a evaluation at Site of The Rose, Stiles Acres, Lawrence Weston, Bristol. The evaluation was carried out by XXX (name of field unit).ST 5452 7833
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.201/1954), Sea Mills Lane
Miscellaneous Roman remains (including Pottery and Tesserae) from site of proposed bungalows at Sea Mills Lane, Bristol 9
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2010/10), The Alphabet
Documentary archaeological archive from a building survey at The Alphabet, Winterstoke Road, Bristol followed by grid ref. The building surveywas carried out by XXX (name of field unit).ST 57572 70725
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2009/68), Filton Airfield
Documentary and material (archaeological archive from a strip, map, and sample at Filton Airfield. The strip, map, and sample was carried out by XXX(name of field unit).ST 597 810
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2009/71), 8 Hadrian's Close
Documentary and material archaeological archive from a excavation at 8 Hadrian's Close, Bristol. .ST 55047 75691
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2007/74), Former Bristol carpet factory, Blackswarth Road, C
Documentary and material archaeological archive from a watching brief at Former Bristol carpet factory, Blackswarth Road, Crew's Hole, Bristol. ST 6185 7308
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2007/75), St. Brendan's sixth form college, Bath Road
Documentary and material archaeological archive from a watching brief at St. Brendan's sixth form college, Bath Road, Bristol. ST 63101 70246
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2007/78), Royal Fort, Royal Fort Road, Clifton
Documentary and material archaeological archive from a watching brief at Royal Fort, Royal Fort Road, Clifton. ST 5833 7348
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2007/8), Warmley Grotto
Documentary archaeological archive from a monitoring at Warmley Grotto, Warmley, S. Gloucestershire. The monitoring was carried out by XXX (name of field unit).
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2007/51), Shirehampton Filling Station, High Street, Shireha
Documentary and material archaeological archive from a evaluation at Shirehampton Filling Station, High Street, Shirehampton, Bristol. ST 5302 7696
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2007/53), The Square, Bradley Stoke
Documentary and material archaeological archive from a watching brief at The Square, Bradley Stoke, Bristol. The watching brief, was carried out by XXX(name of field unit).ST 620 819
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2007/57), 15 King's Parade Avenue, Clifton
Documentary archaeological archive from a standing building record at 15 King's Parade Avenue, Clifton, Bristol. The standing building record was carried out by XXX (name of field unit).ST 57400 74400
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2007/6), 118 Manor Road, Fishponds
Documentary archaeological archive from a Historic Building Record at 118 Manor Road, Fishponds, Bristol. The Historic Building Record was carried out by XXX (name of field unit).ST 6218 7615
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2007/66), King's Weston Roman Villa, Long Cross, Lawrence We
Documentary archaeological archive from a watching brief King's Weston Roman Villa, Long Cross, Lawrence Weston, Bristol. ST 5338 7757
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2007/67), St. Paul's Park, St. Paul's
Documentary and material archaeological archive from a evaluation at St. Paul's Park, St. Paul's, Bristol. ST 5955 7376
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2006/35), The Golf Pavillion, Ashton Court
Documentary and material archaeology archive from an Evaluation at The Golf Pavillion, Ashton Court, Bristol. The Evaluation was carried out by Oxford Archaeological Unit.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2006/36), Outside 15 and 35 King Street, City Centre
Documentary and material archaeology archive from a Watching Brief at Outside 15 and 35 King Street, City Center, Bristol. The Watching Brief was carried out by Context One Archaeological Service ST 58805 72714.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2006/39), Land at 26 and 28 Gloucester Lane, Old Market
Documentary and material archaeology archive from a Watching Brief at Land at 26 and 28 Gloucester Lane, Old Market, Bristol. The Watching Brief was carried out by Cotswold Archaeological Trust ST 59890 73325.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2006/4 correct), Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Rd
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2008/102), Hook Farm?
Documentary archaeological archive from a survey at Hook Farm?. The survey was carried out by XXX (name of field unit).
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2008/60), Thornbury Castle
Documentary archaeological archive from a building recording at Thornbury Castle,Thornbury, S.Gloucestershire. ST 633 906
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2006/71), Airbus, Filton
Documentary and material archaeological archive from a Watching Brief at Airbus, Filton, Bristol. The Watching Brief was carried out by Cotswold Archaeological Trust ST 602 807.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2008/63)
Archive from an archaeological watching brief at Westbury Road to Henleaze Road, Bristol.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2009/74)
Pottery from archaeological fieldwork pre-1957 from Blaise Castle Hillfort.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.79/1995), 13 Tower Road
Paper Archive of desktop study of site at 13 Tower Road South, Warmley, Bristol. Landowner: Icon Construction Services Ltd., PO Box 86, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 6AY.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.153/1957), Blaise Castle Hillfort
Flints, Pottery, Sling Stones, Iron Slag and other finds from Blaise Castle Hill Fort.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.154/1980), 18 Arnos Street
Pottery Wasters (post medieval), 18 Arnos St., Totterdown, Bristol BS4 (NGR ST 60375 71431)
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.156/1968), Wallmead, Timsbury
Iron Age "A" Pot from Wallmead, Timsbury, Somerset. Material from Bronze Age round barrows, Wallmead, Timsbury, Somerset.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2002/47), Wellington Road
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.157/1957), Old Market
Post-medieval Pottery from Old Market
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.157/1966), Priddy
Roman Pottery, slags and miscellaneous objects from Priddy, ST 542508. A few prehistoric worked Flints from same field, ST 542508.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.157/1968), Charterhouse
One Sherd of Samian Form 37, with rivet hole for repair. ISTYLE OF DOECCVS OF LEZOUX HADRIANIC (Antonine)
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.159/1959), Charterhouse
Roman Pottery and Flint Implement from Charterhouse on Mendip
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.2001/43), Red Cross Lane
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.16/1985), Back Hall
Finds from excavations at Back Hall, Baldwin St./Queen Charlotte Street, Bristol, 1958
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.16/1989)
1 limited edition Print of a Map "A Balloonatics View of Clifton-Juxta-Bristol" 4/100. Made by Marc Vyvyan-Jones.
Archaeological Site Archive (BRSMG.16/1995), Keynsham
Finds and Archive from evaluation at former Nursery site adjacent to Keynsham Parish Church, Keynsham (Avon SMR No. 10502).
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