1161 to 1200 of 15541
British Archaeology (F1964)
Bronze lozenge-shaped plate brooch with blue enamel. Pin is missing.
British Archaeology (F1982)
Bronze zoomorphic plate brooch (fish). Pin is missing.
British Archaeology (F1243)
Finial of strap end in the shape of a horse's head, decorated with incised lines and circle-and-dot patterns.
British Archaeology (F3871)
Body sherd of burnished Iron Age pottery with incised design.
British Archaeology (Fb7159a-b), Brislington Roman Villa
Two glass beads, tubular with 'bumps'.
British Archaeology (F2325.1-2), Brislington Roman Villa
Two glass beads, tubular with 'bumps'.
British Archaeology (Fb8459.1-3)
Three sherds of Iron Age duck stamped ware, with B. XXXVI 13/1; B.XXXVI 16/4 and B.XXXVI 16/8 written on them.
British Archaeology (Fb7356)
Stone circular disk, white lias. From Camerton, Somerset, building III.
British Archaeology (Fb6538)
Plain rounded rim-sherd , hard white fabric. Castor kilns.
British Archaeology (Fb6542)
Rim sherd from flanged bowl. Smooth red fabric. Castor kilns.
British Archaeology (Fb6549)
Mortarium rim sherd.Smooth white brown fabric. Castor kilns.
British Archaeology (Fb6554)
Sherd from pedestal base. Hard, smooth white fabric. Castor kilns.
British Archaeology (Fb7342)
Pottery circular disk. Buff ware. From Camerton, Somerset, Building III.
British Archaeology ( Fb7357)
Pottery circular disc from building IV, Camerton, Avon. Grey ware.
British Archaeology ( Fb7358)
Pottery circular disc from building VI, Camerton, Avon. Grey ware.
British Archaeology ( Fb7359)
Pottery circular disc from building VIII, Camerton, Avon. Grey ware.
1161 to 1200 of 15541