1001 to 1040 of 8335
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6654), wadjet
Turquoise matt amulet moulded in the form of a multiple eye of Horus.There are foru eyes on the rounded side and on the underside. It is pierced lengthways. It has incised lined markings.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6659), wadjet
This is a pale green (now mostly cream) matt faience amulet moulded in the form of the eye of Horus. There are faded incised details on one side. It is pierced lengthways with a small hole.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6660), wadjet
This is a green matt faience amulet moulded in a rounded shape on one side. in the form of a multiple wedjat. There are 22 (?) raised moulded irises one one side, divided by three lines and decorated with black paint. The other side is flat with an incised wadjet eye. It is pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6721), wadjet
7 faience and two stone amulets moulded in the form of the eye of Horus. The largest one is made of turquoise shiny faience, has incised decoration of the eye, and has a black painted iris and line at the bottom. The black line has incised lines along it. It is the sam of both sides and is pierced lengthways. One is made of white stone, and has the outline shape only of the eye with no surface decoration. It is pierced lengthways. The other white stone amulet has detailed incised decoration of the eye on one side. It is pierced lengthways. One is made of the pale green matt faience and is rectangular with the eye on one side. It is pierced lengthways. A mint green shiny amulet has limited lined decorated lines and is pierced lengthways and through a loop on one side in the centre. One is pale green faience, is half missing and has the eye of horus carved within a rounded rectangular frame in fretted work on both sides. It is pierced lengthways. The two smallest mint green matt faience amulets have a fretted moulding in an almost square shape, which is pierced lengthways. one is slightly smaller. One is made of green matt faience, in the same shape as the smallest ones, with a corner missing, and is pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6733), wadjet
2 green faience amulets moulded in the form of the eye of Horus. One is made of grey/pale green faience, and has moulded and incised lined decoration on one side. It is plain on the other side, and is pierced through a loop on one side. The other is made of pale green faience, and has incised lined decoration on one side, and a raised black painted dot on one side. it is pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6737), wadjet
This is a shiny turquoise faience amulet moulded in the form of the eye of Horus. It has an incised and fretted surface design on one side, and is pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6754), wadjet
Ten faience amulets moulded in the form of the eye of Horus. They vary in side and range from pale green, to dark green faience. Mostly of openwork multiple wadjet type. The smallest one has no surface decoration. They are pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6941), wadjet
This is a green matt faience amult moulded in the form of the eye of Horus. It is a quadruple eye with traces of black (?) on the moulded side and flat on the other. It is pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6945), tjet
4 amulets moulded in the form of Thet - or the blood of Isis symbol. One is made of green faience and has a pilaster at the back, which is pierced horizontally in the middle. The other three are made of jasper stone. The largest one is crudely moulded with no surface details, and has a small square loop on the top which is pierced. Another is made of red, speckled with cream jasper. and is not pierced. and is flat on both sides. The smallest one is simple and is pierced through a loop at one end.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6947), wadjet
5 stone amulets moulded in the form of the eye of Horus. One is made of pale green stone and has no surface decoration, and has a loop on one edge which is not pierced. One is made of white stone, is quite thin, and is not pierced. A black and white diorite amulet is smaller, plain and pierced lengthways. A red carnelian amulet is pierced lengthways, and is almost oblong shaped. A turquoise matt faience amulet is the smallest, and has rough moulding on oe side and a pierced loop on one edge. It is also pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6948), wadjet
9 stone amulets moulded in the form of the eye of Horus. Most have a plain surface. Only two are pierced through a loop on one side. Two are made of pale green stone. One is made of grey/brown mottled stone. One is made of very dark green stone with a scratched desing on the surface. Three are made of dull red jasper (?) One is made of lapis lazuli.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6949), wadjet
13 amulets moulded in the form of the eye of Horus. Seven are made of pale green faience. Three are plain, two of these with a circle and line painted on one side. They are all pierced lengthways. Four are made of pale green faience. One is pierced lengthways with rough moulding. Two are pierced through loop on one side. One has fine moulding on one side. Two are made of pale blue faience, they are pierced lengthways, and the larger of the two has a raised black dot and line of black paint on one side. On is made of lapis lazuli and is pierced lengthways. One is plain and made of brown and white stone, ans is pierced lengthways. They other two are made of white stone (?) with a blue tinge. One is pierced through a loop on one side.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6963), menat
Thin fretted design amulet of green matt faience, moulded in the form of the counterpoise of a collar.It is in three parts and is pierced through a loop on one end. the rounded end contains an uzat.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6964), ankh
This is a turquoise faience amulet moulded in the form of an ankh symbol. It is broken at both ends. It has a flat back and roughly moulded details.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7189), wadjet
This is a turquoise matt faience amulet moulded in the form of the eye of Horus, and is pierced lengthways. It has incised details on one side, and a black painted iris.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6638.1)
Isis sits on a block throne suckling the child Horus on her knee. She wears a long dress and a long wig. On her head is a horned sun disc with rays of the sun. The green faience has faded to cream in many places. There is an inscription on the back, and a hole for suspension at the base of the crown.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha5776)
This is a pale green faience amulet (now mostly cream coloured), standing in the form of Nefertum. It has detailed carvings of facial features, a knee length pleated skirt, and a lion seated at the feet. It has a bird and a headress. One arm is missing from the elbow downwards. The plumed headress in missiing. It has a pilaster at the back and a rectangular base.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha5779.1)
Flat wooden figure standing in the form of Hapi. Most of the decoration seems to have worn away but there are traces of gold gilding on the nose and upper part of the body. It wears a headress, with a profiled head, both is arms by its side, and stands on a flat wooden base. It is pierced widthways three ways, once through the base and once either side through its arms.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha5779.2)
This is a flat backed wooden figure standing in the form of Imsety.It has a carved headress, and roughly carved facial features, but the rest of the body is smooth. It is unpierced.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6182.1)
3-Dimensional figure standing moulded in the form of Isis, with headress. Pale green shiny faience. Roughly moulded. Pierced through headresss at back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6182.2)
Figure standing carved in the image of Isis (headress missing). Dark green shiny faience. Roughly moulded. Unpierced.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6186.2)
Seated figure of Horus with pilaster at back. Pale turquoise matt faience. Pierced widthways through pilaster in middle. Rectangular base.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6186.3)
Seated figure of Isis with pilaster at back. Pale green shiny faience. Pierced through headress. Rectangular base.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6186.4)
Seated figure of Isis holding Horus in hands. Pale green shiny faience. Roughly moulded. Pilaster at back. Small rectangular base. Pierced widthways through pilaster/neck.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6186.5)
Seated figure of Isis holding Horus in hands (headress missing). Shiny blue faience. Pilaster at back. Small rectangular base. Unpierced (?) - or piercing missing in headress.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6186.6)
Seated figure of Isis holding Horus in hands (headress missing). Pale green faience, now partly pale brown. Pilaster at back. Small rectangular base. Pierced widthways through pilaster at back of head (half missing).
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6188)
7 figurines of Khnum. 6 pale turquoise shiny faience. One pale green matt faience, now mostly cream coloured. All standing. All pierced through a pilaster at back. Small rectangular bases.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6188.1)
Animal moulded in the form of a seated ram. Pale green matt faience. Rectangular base. Pierced through loop on back for suspension.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6192)
Figure moulded standing in the form of Nefertum. Pale green matt faience. Moulded details on front. Pilaster at back. Small rectangular base. Pierced through pilaster at top. Headress missing.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6195)
Oval shaped yellow glass, flat backed object, with a carved picture of a vulture on the front. Its wings are incised and feet clearly shown, but its head is missing. It is unpierced.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6196)
This is a small, squat, dark green, matt faience figure in the form of a baboon. It is quite angular and appears to have its knees bent, probably seated. It has a large bulbous head and an incised necklace (?) underneath a small rectangular block pierced widthways with a hole for suspension on the back of the neck. There is incised markings widthways on the face, with an almost beaklike snout. There is an almost square base.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6208.4)
Three standing figures of Isis, Horus and Nephthys holding hands with rectangular pilaster type back. Pale green shiny faience. Rectangular base. Loop at top with hole pierced for suspension.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6208.5)
Three standing figures of Isis, Horus and Nephthys holding hands with rectangular pilaster type back. Pale green shiny faience. Rectangular base. Loop at top missing.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6220.1)
Figure standing moulded in the form of Khnum. green shiny faience. Pilaster at back. Small rectangular base. Pierced through pilaster at back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6252.1)
Headress of Isis. Black steatite. Incised carvings of sun disc etc. Hole through centre.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6272.1)
This is a flat backed blue/green shiny faience figurine standing in the form of Imsety. It has roughly moulded facial features on the front with an incised striped skirt. It is pierced widthways through the feet. Pierced also halfway through the head on the back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6272.2)
Flat backed blue shiny faience figure standing in the form of Imsety. Roughly moulded with no real details, although it is possible to see the outline of the body, face and skirt. It is pierced twice, once through the back to the top of the head, once through the back to the bottom of the feet.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6302.1)
Animal moulded in the form of a seated ram. Pale turquoise matt faience. rectangular base. Pierced through loop on back for suspension. Roughly moulded.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6302.2)
Animal moulded in the form of a seated ram. Pale turquoise matt faience. rectangular base. Half of loop missing on back. Roughly moulded.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6316)
A pale green shiny faience figure standing in the form of an upright baboon. It has a pilaster at back and a small rectangular base. It has incised decoration all over of a hairy ape, with large ears and both arms placed down by its side. It is pierced through its back with a round loop for suspension.
1001 to 1040 of 8335