1041 to 1080 of 8335
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6323)
Animal moulded in the form of a seated ram. Dark brown stone. rectangular base. Loop missing on back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6330.1)
Nude female figure standing in the form of Nephthys. Pale green shiny faience, now partly brown at top and bottom. Pilaster at back. Small rectangular base. Pierced widthways through pilaster at back at neck.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6330.2)
Nude figurine standing in the form of Nephthys. Pale green shiny faience, now partly brown. Pilaster at back. Small rectangular base. Pierced widthways through pilaster at back of neck.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6333)
Pale green shiny faience figure moulded in the form of a crouched bird with a rams head. It has a rounded belly, with grooved arms rested on its lap either side. It has a rectangular base and is pierced widthways through the back of its head for suspension. A triangular hole is left between the legs and wings.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6335.1)
Standing human figure with ram's head. Pale turquoise shiny faience. Pilaster at back - pierced with small hole through top of pilaster. Small rectangular base.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6335.2)
Animal moulded in the form of a seated ram. Very pale green matt faience. Rectangular base. Pierced through loop on back for suspension.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6338)
This is a flat backed pale turquoise shiny faience moulded standing figure. It has a flat back and its features are so roughly moulded it is hard to tell what it is. It seems to be a curvy, nude female body (?) resting on one leg. There is a huge hole bored through the back - which does not reach the front (modern - from previous mounting?)
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6394)
Odd flat backed amulet made of pale green matt faience, now cream coloured with a brown painted triangular shaped pattern on the front. It has a large oval shaped eye and its head faces to the right of the viewer. The rest of the body is in a sort of mummy shape (?). There is a small piercing widthways through the top of the head. The body is missing from the knees downwards.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6592)
This is a dark grey stone figure standing. It has carved facial features and holds a long beard (?) between its hands. It wears a royal crown or domed headress and stands on a triangular base. It has a pilaster at the back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6642)
Figure moulded in the form of Nefertum. Black stone. Incised detail of headress of lotus flower and feather at top. Missing from ankles downwards. Pilaster at back. Unpierced.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6648), Isis
Flat backed amulet in the form of Isis, wearing double crown(?). Green matt faience, now partly brown. Pierced widthways through neck. Rough moulding in low relief on front.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6672.1)
Upper half of figure in the form of Nephthys. Pale green matt faience. Pilaster at back. Pierced widthways through pilaster.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6672.2)
This is a pale green shiny faience figure standing in the form of Nefertum. Its legs are missing,. He has a bare chest, his arms placed down by his side, and has a moulded beard and face, with a two plumed tall headress. Part of his pleated skirt remains. There is a pilaster at the back, through which it is pierced widthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6674.1), tjet
Flat backed figure in the form of the girdle of Isis. Bright blue shiny faience. Roughly moulded. Unpierced.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6674.2)
Flat, rectangular based amulet. Isis, standing links hands with another figure carved in low relief. Shiny blue/green faience. Unpierced. Roughly moulded.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6674.3)
Flat backed amulet standing in the form of Hapi. Roughly carved in low relief. Blue/green shiny faience. unpierced.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6674.4)
Flat backed figure standing in the form of Hapi. Roughly moulded. Green/blue shiny faience.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6674.5)
Flat backed figure standing holding staff(?) Roughly carved with bald head (?) Green/blue shiny faience. Unpierced
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6732)
A pale shiny turquoise figure, now partly brown, in the form of the head of Khonsu with a circula lunar disc on his head. It has no surface decoration on one side, but there are traces on the other side of mouldings. It has a rectangular base, and is pierced lengthways beneath the lunar disc and its head.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6752.1)
Flat backed amulet standing in the form of Hapy. Turquoise shiny faience. Pierced through head and through feet widthways. No visible surface decoration.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6752.2)
Flat backed figurine standing in the form of Hapi. Pale green matt faience. Painted with red and orange/cream paint on front. Pierced once through head and once through feet widthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6753.1)
Flat backed figurine standing in the form of Duamutef. Green shiny faience, now mostly pale brown on front. Pierced widthways through head and feet. Limited red painted striped decoration on front on head and around ankles.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6753.2)
Flat backed figurine standing in the form of Duamutef. Turquoise shiny faience, now pale brown on front. Red and white painted stripes on head , upper body and feet. Pierced widthways through head and feet.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6753.3)
Flat backed figurine standing in the form of Duamutef. Pale turquoise matt faience. Painted with stripes of orange and red paint around upper half and feet. Pierced widthways through head and feet.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6796)
Figure moulded in the form of Nefertum with seeted lion at feet. Headress missing. Green matt faience. Pilaster at back. Rectangular base. Unpierced (or missing on pilaster at top?)
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6816.1)
Seated figure of Isis with pilaster at back. Green/yellow shiny faience. Pierced widthways through head.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6827)
Figure standing in the form of Nephthys (?). Pale green shiny faience. Pilaster at back. Small rectangular base. Pierced widthways through pilaster at back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6840)
Green shiny faience figure moulded in the form of a human. It has a bald head and large ears, a nude upper chest, and wears a pleated skirt. It stands with one leg forward on a small rectangular base. It has a flattish pilaster at the back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6845)
Seated figure of Isis, holding Horus in hands. (part of headress missing). Matt faience, now cream/brown. Moulded features with incised decoration on skirt at side. Pilaster at back. Small rectangular base. Pierced widthways through head.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6846)
Seated figure of Isis holding Horus in hands. Odd dome shaped headress. Blue green shiny faience with black paint for hair. Pierced through headress at back. Sort of pilaster at back (?). Small rectangular base.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6847)
Seated figure carved in the form of Isis, holding Horus in hands. Pale green matt faience, now partly white. Roughly moulded. Roughly moulded. Incised hieroglyphs down pilaster at back. Inscribed with? Unpierced.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6848)
Figure standing moulded in the form of Nefertum. Missing from ankles downwards. Pale green faience. Intricate moulding of features and headress of papyrus flower and plumes. Pierced through a pilaster at back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6967)
Turquoise shiny faience figure standing in the form of Min. Its face is roughly moulded with a plumed headress and a large pointed ear (?) on one side. It has a small circular protruding navel. It has an almost square base, with a pilaster at the back which is pierced widthways at neck level.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6974.1)
Standing figure of human figure with ram's head. Pale turquoise faience. Pilaster at back. Pierced with small hole through pilaster at top. Standing on small rectangular base.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6974.2)
Animal moulded in the form of a seated ram. Pale green matt faience. Pierced through loop on back for suspension. Roughly moulded facial features.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6977)
Pale green shiny faience figure crouching in the form of the goddess Maat. It has half a face which is moulded with long hair. There is a loop on the back of the figure which is pierced widthways with a circular loop, which is decorated with 2 lines. It has a rectangular base.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6979)
This is a matt faience seated figure (now mostly cream coloured) It has v-shaped roughly moulded face, and there is a large bulbous projection on one side, which it may be holding (?). It has its arms placed on its lap and has incised hands, legs. It has an small rectangular base, and is pierced widthways with a loop for suspension on its back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6983.1)
Figure standing in the form of Isis. Pale green shiny faience. Pilaster at back. Small rectangular base. Pierced widthways through pilaster at back. Detailed carving of nude upper body and headress.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7013)
Flat backed figure standing in the form of Qebhsenuef. Incised decoration on front from head to knees. Matt faience, now dark brown. Pierced through head and feet widthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7014.1)
Flat figurine standing in the form of Hapy. Shiny turquoise green faience. Pierced widthways through head and feet. Crudely modelled.
1041 to 1080 of 8335