1121 to 1160 of 8335
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6856), shabti
Mummiform figurine. Limestone. Detailed face and hands.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6865), ushabti
Mummiform figurine with painted inscription in panel on front. Turquoise green shiny faience, now partly yellow/brown. Carrying hoes and basket. Inscribed Sehedj for the Osiris [...].' Dodson 2006
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6867), shabti
Mummiform figurine .Bright blue shiny faience. Carrying hoes. Bearded. Pilaster at back. Roughly moulded, rather stout figure.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6913), ushabti
Mummiform figurine. Carrying hoes. Plaited hair and short hair. Moulded bare back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6914), shabti
Mummiform figurine. Pale green matt faience, now partly white. Carrying hoe and flail. Bearded. Pilaster at back. large base.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6990), shabti
Mummiform figurine. Wooden with black resin coating? Roughly moulded. Traces of red and yellow paint - possibly inscribed previously?
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6994), shabti
Mummiform figurine. Wooden with thick black resin coating?
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6995), shabti
Mummiform figurine with painted inscription. Wooden with brown, black and blue paint. right side and most of back of figure missing. name is lost, but remains of BD6 is on it (Dodson 2006)
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6998), ushabti
Mummiform figurine. Pale green matt faience, how mostly grey/brown. Carrying hoes and basket.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7784)
A brown moulded fish with a flat back with a loop in front of its mouth.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7714)
A roughly modelled figure of a bald naked man with his hands on his hips. His feet are on a base. He is pierced widthways through the neck. It is pale green with brown accretions. Part of his head is missing.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7723)
A cream and pale green rough amulet of a bearded man's head with plumed headdress. It is pierced widthways through head.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7725)
A cream and pale green rough amulet of a bearded man's head with plumed headdress. It is pierced widthways through head.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7717)
A green and brown moulded head of a man with protruding round ears, wavy beard and plumed headdress. The back is plain and brown. It is pierced widthways through the eyes.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7511)
This is a copper alloy (now green) spatula. It is leaf shaped (end missing) with a small handle at one end. It curves inward on one side.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7761)
A model of a ram lying on a base with a loop on the back of the ram. It is blue-green with brown accretions.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7724)
A crude amulet of a squat man, it is pierced widthways at the base. It is pale green.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7720)
An orange-brown and pale green rough amulet of a bearded man's head with plumed headdress. It is pierced widthways through the headdress and through the beard.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7753)
A striding figure of a god (possibly ram-headed) with back pilaster and is pierced widthways behind its head. It is pale green and is cream where the glaze has gone. It is broken at the knees and its feet are missing.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7756)
A seated figure of a cat on a base. The ears are chipped and the loop on its back for suspension is broken and missing. It is dark green with brown accretions.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7727)
A crude amulet of a baboon, standing on a base. It is pierced lengthways behind its neck. It is pale blue-green.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7718)
A faded bright blue faience amulet of a naked man with a moulded front and plain, flat back. The man has protruding ears and a plumed headress. It is pierced widthways through the base of the headress.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7715)
A roughly modelled figure of a bald naked man with his hands on his hips. His feet are on a base. He is pierced widthways through the neck. It is pale green with brown accretions.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7703)
A seated figure of a cat on a base. There appears to be a small broken blob between its feet. The side is chipped as is the ear is missing. There is a loop behind her head for suspension. Where the glaze remains it is green.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7716)
A blue and green faience amulet with brown accretions. It is moulded head of a man with protruding round ears and a sqaure beard. The back is plain. It is pierced widthways through a loop on top of his head. The loop has modern string and a round purple stone baed attached to it.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7751)
A striding figure of a god on a base with back pilaster and is pierced widthways behind its head. It is pale green and is cream where the glaze has gone.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7757)
A seated figure of a cat on a base. There is a loop on its back, behind it head for suspension. It is green with brown accretions.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7719)
A cream and pale green rough amulet of a bearded man's head with plumed headdress. It is pierced widthways through the headdress and through the beard.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7721)
A pale green rough amulet of a bearded man's head with plumed headdress. It is pierced widthways through the headdress and through the beard.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7728), wadjet
A green amulet with impressed decoration on one side showing an eye and eye brow. The back is plain. It has a loop on the top.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7729), wadjet
A white base with a black raised design in the shape of an eye with an elongated tear duct and curl. It is pierced lengthways at the top. The back is plain.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7730), wadjet
A wood carved in shape of an eye with an elongated tear duct and curl. There is cross-hatching above the eye. There are remains of gilding on the front. The back is black.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7731), wadjet
A pale green amulet with impressed decoration on one side showing an eye and eye brow. The back is plain. It is pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7732), wadjet
A faded blue amulet (now white) in the shape of an eye with an elongated tear duct and curl and the pupil is brown. It is pierced lengthways at the top. The back is plain.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7733), wadjet
A cream and green amulet with impressed decoration on one side showing an eye and eye brow. The pupil is a brown semisphere. The back is plain. It is pierced lengthways. The bottom part of the eye (tear duct) has broken off.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7734), wadjet
A green amulet with impressed decoration on one side showing an eye and eye brow, the pupil is coloured brown. The back is plain. It is pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7735), wadjet
A green amulet with impressed decoration on one side showing an eye and eye brow. The back is plain. It is pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7736), wadjet
A pale green glazed rectangle with notches on the bottom and side to make it roughly eye-shaped. It has a brown dot for the pupil on both sides. It is pierced lengthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7737), wadjet
A pale green glazed rectangle with notches on the bottom and side to make it roughly eye-shaped. It has impressed eye decoration on one side only. It is pierced lengthways.
1121 to 1160 of 8335