441 to 480 of 8335
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6843)
Shiny green faience figure moulded in the form of sekhmet standing. Details are finely incised. It has a small rectangular base. She has the head of a cat with large pointed ears. She wears a large rectangular headress. Both her arms are missing. She stands with one leg forward, holding a long seceptre in one hand. The amulet is pierced widthways through a loop at the back of the head.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6849)
Blue/green shiny faience amulet, moulded in the form of the standing Ptah-Sokar. He holds a circular object in his hands, his arms bent at the elbow. He has roughly moulded facial features of a man, and is a rather stout, nude figure, wearing a tall rounded hat, painted in black, and with pronounced ears. He stands bow legged on an ovoid shape base. It is pierced widthways through the back of the neck. It has a pilaster at the back with some hieroglyphs (?).
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6872)
8 specimens of faience amulets moulded in the standing figure of Thoth. He has a large ibis head with a large beak. He wears a knee length dress, with his arms both placed down at his side. One leg is placed forward. They have a pilaster at the back, and a small rectangular base. They are all pierced widthways through the back of the pilaster at about waist length. Most of the amulets are now a dull brown colour, except for one green and one pale green one. About 2 of the amulets have crudely mouled heads.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6883)
This is a pale green shiny faience figure, moulded in the form of a hippopotamus. It stands on all fours, with a large elongated snout touching the base in front of it. It is pierced through a loop lengthways, on the back for suspension. It has a rectangular base. It has incised lines on the top of its back, on the loop and under its belly.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6950)
5 amulets, all small, made of mint/pale green faience, one now dark brown. They are all moulded in the form of Shu kneeling on one leg with arms bent at the elbows, raised above their heads holding up the sky. They all have small rectangular bases, and three have a pilaster at the back, which are pierced widthways. The other two have small loops at the back of the head which are pierced. All have small beards. The smallest one is pale green mint coloured. Its facial features are absent, replaces with an almost square shape. The object is almost flat. Another figure is more pale turquoise shiny faience, and holds a semi circular object above its head. The base is not quite rectangular, and is narrower at one end. It has an elongated knee, and a pleated skirt. Another is of pale green matt faience. It has a circular object on its head which has a one lined incision in. It has a plaeted skirt, and the top part of the pilaster is missing at the top. Another, pale green, with incised line decoration on the object above its head. The top part is almost flat, the bottom three dimensional. The green faience figure, which is now dark brown, has a more square base, and has more square features than the others. Part of the pilaster is missing at the top. It holds a small thin flat object on its head.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6965)
This is four specimens, two of turquoise matt faience, two pale green matt faience, moulded in the form of a crocodile. The largest one, has two crodiles side by side on one base, almost rectangular, rounded at the corners. Only their eyes are moulded, and their skin is smooth. Their tails are missing at the end. It is pierced twice down the centre. The other pale green one has no real base, and has more detailed decoration of scaly skin. It is pierced widthways under the head. Legs are moulded on either side, and the tail is not pointed. The other two are of similar design, both pierced widthways beneath the head. They are of turquoise faience, mounted on small rectangular bases. One has scaled incisions on its back, the other's back is missing.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6969)
This is a pale green shiny faience figure, moulded in the form of a hippopotamus. It stands on all fours, with a large long snout touching the base in front of it. It is pierced through a semi circular loop lengthways, on the back for suspension. It has a rectangular base. It has incised lines under its belly, and a small tail.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6970)
This is a pale green matt faience figure moulded in the form of a seated hare, with its forelegs outstretched in front of it. It has long ears projecting backwards, which have incised markings on. It has a small rectangular base and is pierced under the ears for suspension.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6983.2)
This is a pale mint green faience amulet moulded in the standing figure of Thoth. He has a large Ibis head with a large beak. He wears a knee length dress, with his arms both placed down at his side. One leg is placed forward. It has a pilaster at the back, and a small rectangular base. It is pierced widthways through the back of the pilaster at about waist length.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6983.3), Sekhmet
Shiny green faience figure moulded in the form of sekhmet standing. Details are finely incised. It has a small rectangular base. She has the head of a cat with large pointed ears. She wears a small pointed headress. Both her arms are missing. She stands with one leg forward, holding a long seceptre in one hand. The amulet is pierced widthways through a loop at the baclk of the head. There is a pilaster at the back with incised hieroglyphs down it.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6983.4), Sekhmet
This is a shiny green faience figure moulded in the form of sekhmet standing. Details are finely incised. It has a small rectangular base rounded at the front. She has the head of a cat with large pointed ears. She wears the crown of upper and lower Egypt. She stands with one leg forward, arms down by her side, holding a long seceptre in one hand. The amulet is pierced widthways through a loop at the back of the neck. There is a pilaster at the back with an indent at waist level and neck level.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7179)
This is a mid green matt faience figure moulded in the form of a lion couchant. It has a small face, and short legs. It has an almost rectangular base with an incised inscription on the base of Ra etc (?) on the base. It has a blocked piercing through its neck.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7183)
Green shiny faience amulet moulded in the form of Re standing. It has roughly moulded features and he wears a sun disc headress. He has an incised lined skirt, and stands with one leg forward on a small rectangular base. Both arms are down by his sides. There is a pilaster at the back, which is pierced widthways at waist level.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7190)
This is a green matt faience amulet (now mostly drab brown), moulded in the form of the seated Ptah-Sokar. His arms bent at the elbow, and held out in front. He has roughly moulded facial features of a man, and is a rather stout figure, with a bald head. He is seated on his bottom. It is not pierced..
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7191)
This is a pale green shiny fiaence amulet moulded in the form of Ptah standing. It has crudely moulded features, with large ears, and a bald head. Arms are moulded into the body, and he holds a sceptre in his hands. He stands on an almost square base. There is a pilaster at the back which pierced widthways at waist level.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha7300)
Pale green matt faience amulet moulded in the form of a seated goddess. It has an almost rectangular base with tapers in slightly towards the front. she wears a small headress which is pierced withways at the back. Facial features are crudely modelled, with arms placed on her lap, seated on a throne, possible wearing a skirt (?)
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6269.1)
A cat sitting on a base, it is pale green and the top half of the head is missing, and there is a loop for suspension at the base of the neck.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6269.2)
A cat sitting on a base, put poorly modelled and the faience has corroded so the obeject is green, white and brown; there is a loop for suspension behind its head.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6269.5)
Pale green matt faience amulet moulded in the form of the standing goddess Sekhmet. She has 3 short plume like features on her head, with roughly moulded facial features of a cat. Both arms are down by her side. She stands with one leg forward. The amulet is missing from the knees downwards. One hand is missing. Crudely modelled. There us a loop on the back of the head which is pierced widthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6269.4)
Pale green shiny faience amulet moulded in the form of the standing goddess Sekhmet. She waers a pointed crown, with roughly moulded facial features of a cat. One arm is down by her side, the other is bent at the elbow holding a sceptre. She stands with one leg forward on an almost rectangular base. There is a loop at the back of the crown which is pierced widthways.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6269.3)
This is a pale green shiny faience amulet moulded in the form of the seated goddess Sekhmet. She waers a pointed crown, with roughly moulded facial features of a cat. Both arms are folded on her lap, and she is seated on a slim, undecorated thrown, mounted on a small rectangular base. There is a pilaster at the back which is pierced widthways through the neck at the back.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha5790)
Pale yellow/ brown clay figure moulded in the form of a pregnant hippopotamus, standing with both knees bent holding an ankh symbol between its knees. It has a plain back and no headress down the back. It has detailed features of a hippopotamous like creatures, and bare breasts, standing on an almost square base.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha5800)
Turquoise shiny faience figure moulded in the form of Thoth. It is missing from waist down. It has well moulded facial features and an incised headress at the back and front. There is part of a pilaster at the waist level. It is not pierced.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6180)
7 faience figures moulded in the form of an upright pregnant hippopotamus. The facial features of a hippopotamus is roughly moulded, and it has a long headress trailing down her back. One is made of turquoise/blue matt faience and is stood on an oval base flattened at the front. It holds an incised symbol in front of it. Another is made of petrol blue faience, is a rather short and stour figures and is pierced through the top of the headress. The navel is indented, and the tail is formed to a point at the back. Another is made of matt faience (now brown) and is pierced through a square loop at the back of the neck. It stands with one leg forward on an almost rectangular base. The smallest figure stands on an almost rectangular base, is crudely moulded and is pierced through a square loop at the back of the neck. The other three are all made of mint green matt faience, and a re pierced through a square loop at the back of the neck. One is smoother and taller, and stands on rounded rectangular base. It has a rather beak like face. The other two are almost identical except one is thinner and has traces of cream residue on it.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6188.2)
This is a pale green (now mostly brown) faience figure moulded in the form of a pregnant hippopotamus, standing with one leg forward on a rectangular base. It is pierced through the back of the neck. It has an incised lined headress, and stands with its arms resting on its rotund stomach. it is crudely moulded.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6240)
8 faience figures moulded in the form of a pregnant hippotamus figure . Details of the face of a hippopotamus is moulded. She wears a long headress and stands with both hand rested on her rotund stomach. They are mostly pierced through a loop at the back of the neck. One is made of turquoise matt faience, standing on a rectangular base. The smallest one is standing on a thin rectangular base. Another is made of mint green shiny faience. One pale green shiny faience figure is crudely moulded and is pierced through the top of the head. The largest on is made of green matt faience, and has a broken nose. The others are all made of pale green faience, but vary in size.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6247)
6 green faience figures moulded in the form of Thoth standing with one leg forward on a rectangular base, wearing a pleated skirt. They all have pilasters at the back. One is bleached cream coloured and has the top part of his face missing. It has a pierced loop at the top of the head. Another is made of green shiny faience, has a pointed beak and is pierced through the pilaster at the back. The other four are made of pale green faience.One is unpierced. One is pierced through a loop at the top of the head. One is pierced through the pilaster at the back of the neck. The other is pirced through the pilaster at the back and has part of the base missing.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6275)
8 faience figures moulded in the form of a pregnant hippotamus figure.. The headress has incised lines on it. Details of the face of a hippopotamus is moulded. She wears a long headress and stands with both hand rested on her rotund stomach. The smallest one is made of pale green matt faience, and is pierced through the back of the neck. Another is made of shiny turquoise faience as is pierced through a loop on top of the head. One is made of mint green shiny faience, has limited details and is pierced through a square loop at the back of the neck. It stands on an almost square base. The largest one is made of pale green (bleached now) matt faience and is missing its snout. It is pierced through a loop at the back of the chest. Another is made of mint green faience and is pierced through an incised, decorated pilaster type plinth at the back of the chest. The other three are all made of pale green faience, and a re all pierced at the back of the neck. One is missing the lower part of its legs. The other two are similar in moulding but one has a darker green colour.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6756)
6 faience figure moulded in the form of a pregnant hippopotamus, standing with one leg forward on a rectangular base. It has a long headress, and stands with its arms resting on its rotund stomach. The smallest figure is made of pale green faience, and is pierced through a pilaster at the back. Another is made of turquoise faience, has crudely moulded squarish features, and is pierced through the back of the neck. One is made of pale green shiny faience, is tall and pierced through a square loop at the back of the neck. The largest figure is damaged, and pierced through a loop at the top of the head. It is crudely moulded. The other two are almost flat and pierced lengthways. They ahve crude moulding on one side, and are plain on the other side. One is brown faience, the other pale green.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6798)
2 faience figures moulded in the form of a pregnant hippotamus figure.One is made of pale green/yellow matt faience, and stands on a white oval shaped base. The headress has incised lines on it. Details of the face of a hippopotamus is moulded. She wears a long headress and stands with both hand rested on her rotund stomach. There is a pilaster at the back which is pierced at the back of the neck. The other is of similar moulding except it is made of green (now brown/grey) matt faience and stands with arms down by its side, and stands on an almost rectangular base. It has a more prominent loop on the back of the neck which has incised lines on it. There is a large hole in the front of the nose.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6837)
This is a pale blue matt faience figure moulded in the form of Thoth standing with one leg forward on a rectangular base, wearing a pleated skirt. It has a pilaster at the back. which is pierced at neck level. It is crudely moulded with lines on its beak.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6838)
This is a pale green matt faience figure moulded in the form of Thoth standing with one leg forward on a rectangular base, wearing a pleated skirt. It has a pilaster at the back. which is pierced through a loop at the top of the head. It is crudely moulded with a an almost square shaped beak.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6839)
This is a green faience amuet moulded in the form of Thoth standing with one leg forward, a short pleated skirt, onto a rectangular base. Both arms are placed down by his side, and he has a roughly moulded head of an ibis. There is a pilaster at the back which is pierced through the centre.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6919)
This is a pale green (now mostly brown) faience figure moulded in the form of a pregnant hippopotamus, standing with one leg forward on a rectangular base. The piercing is broken at the back of the neck. It has an incised lined headress, and stands with its arms resting on its rotund stomach.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6920)
This is a shiny turquoise faience figure moulded in the form of a pregnant hippopotamus, standing with one leg forward on a rectangular base. It is pierced through the back od the chest, through a square shaped loop. It has an incised lined headress, and stands with its arms resting on its rotund stomach.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6921)
This is a pale green faience figure moulded in the form of a pregnant hippopotamus, standing with one leg forward on a rectangular base. It is pierced through a square loop at the back of the neck. It has an incised lined headress, and stands with its arms resting on its rotund stomach.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6944)
This is a shiny turquoise faience figure moulded in the form of an ibis, with long legs stretched out in front, onto an almost rectangular base, pointed at the front. It's pierced through a loop at the back of the neck.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (Ha6959)
This is a pale green shiny flat backed faience figure moulded in the form of a pregnant hippopotamus, standing with one leg forward. It has an incised lined headress, and stands holding an ankh symbol in its hands. It has a fretted moulding. Unpierced.
World Archaeology - Egyptology (H2143.1)
Blue faience tube beads interspaced with two buff ring beads. There are double ring beads at each end.
441 to 480 of 8335
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