Egypt Gallery

This gallery is about the people who lived, worked and died in ancient Egypt.

The gallery takes you on a journey through Belief, Life, Death and Afterlife from the point of view of the ancient Egyptians themselves


The ancient Egyptian civilisation was one of the greatest cultures in the continent of Africa. We associate ancient Egypt with the pharaohs (kings), but they ruled for only 3,000 years. People have lived in the area we call Egypt for much longer – for over 12,000 years.

About the objects:

All the objects in the cases are real and are from Egypt. The Museum has been collecting these objects for over 150 years.

The objects are not arranged in date order. Objects in the same case might be 5,000 years apart in date and show how ideas and beliefs changed over time.

You can find more about the objects and share your ideas on the computers.

Discovery Pens are available from reception if you would like an audio description.

The light levels are kept low to help preserve the objects.