Whilst the UK was in Lockdown, prison visits were suspended. At HMP Bristol, new residents were kept seperate and inducted during their first 14 days. A shielding unit for residents with underlying medical conditions was set up, and a Protective Isolation Unit for residents who became ill was introduced.

During Lockdown, over 150 men engaged with in-cell learning. When outdoors, hand washing, cleaning anything that was touched, and social distancing were important.

Horfield Prison was one of the first prisons, and the first in the South West, to receive sign off form Public Health England to reopen restricted visits in July 2020.

'It was our process and the organisation of it which helped us win that achievement for our residents.' Bradley Read, Head of Equalities – HMP Bristol.

Lockdown 2 in November saw another national suspension of social visits and only video and phone calls were permitted again.