Miss J I Powell was so taken with her visit to Blaise that she wrote about it in a letter to her uncle.

'I longed for your society one day last week when I called at Blaise Castle. Mrs Harford was just going out to meet an appointment, and as I had always been prevented by indisposition from attending her musical parties when the new Picture Gallery was open, she kindly offered me a Catalogue and having shown me the way to the Gallery left me there for as long a time as I pleased. You may be assured I availed myself of such a kind offer and remained till the Church Clock reminded me that the leg of mutton would be spoiled if I delayed longer. I never paid so agreeable a visit to the Castle in my life and only wanted you by my side to make the enjoyment perfect.'

Blaise Castle Estate, near Henbury, is a world of wooded glens, winding paths, cottages, monuments and a folly.

The estate was so popular by 1774 that a local inn ran a stagecoach to carry people to view it. This popularity increased when Humphry Repton redesigned the landscape and a grand new house was built for its owner, John Harford, in the late 1790s.

Harford's house is now a museum and the grounds a public park and children's playground. It is one of the best-loved green spaces in the city.