The ancient Egyptians believed the Afterlife was going to be like life on earth. They were buried with the objects they thought they would need to live forever. Usually, the richer the person, the more belongings they had in their grave.

Changes in burials

The burial groups shown here are from burials at least 2,000 years apart, and show how ideas about life and death changed over time.

Early burials

The earliest burial group is from between 7,500 and 5,000 years ago, a time before Egypt was ruled by the pharaohs (kings). These early people wrapped their dead in linen sheets and sometimes placed the body in a wooden box. People at this time were buried with everyday objects such as pots, food, combs, hairpins, tools and jewellery.

More recent burials

The most recent burial group is from about 3,000 to 2,500 years ago. By this time, the ancient Egyptians were mummifying bodies and wrapping them in linen bandages. A coffin protected the body. Many objects in tombs, such as the shabtis (mummy-shaped figures) and the Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figure, were made just for burial.